READ: Romans 12:1-5

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the RENEWING OF YOUR MIND, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” – Romans 12:2

When you are born again, God gives you a new heart but not a new mind. It is therefore the duty of every Christian to renew his mind. If you do not renew your mind, you will be a person with a new spirit and an old mind. There are many Christians who are genuine new creations but still have unrenewed minds.

Years ago I heard a pastor giving a testimony of his life. Before he was saved, he was a pornographer by profession. He acted in pornographic films and posed for pornographic photographs. Sex was his work and he didn’t see anything wrong with it.

He felt he was being loving each time he slept with a girl. He continued his lifestyle of fornication after he got born again, sleeping with one girl after the other. It never occurred to him that there was something wrong with sleeping with someone you were not married to.

One night, he was in bed with one of the girls when suddenly, a huge black figure appeared at the foot of his bed. He was terrified and thought to himself, “Something is not right!” The next day, he searched his Bible and discovered where the Word of God (in Ephesians 5:3) says fornication is wrong. Believe it or not, this man was born again but because of his background, he did not even know that fornication was a sin. It could be that because of your background you are not even aware that certain things are sin.

If you belong to a good church which constantly preaches and teaches the Word of God, your mind will be renewed. Do not be tired of learning! Every Christian must decide to be a constant learner of the Word of God. You will always discover things that you do not know.