READ: Job 22:21-29

ACQUAINT NOW THYSELF WITH HIM, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee. …If thou RETURN TO THE ALMIGHTY, THOU SHALT BE BUILT UP, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles. THEN SHALT THOU LAY UP GOLD AS DUST, and the gold of Ophir as the stones of the brooks. ” – Job 22:21-24

It is amazing that Job, the richest man in the east, was not labouring to be rich. He was labouring to know God. He was labouring to have a revelation of God.

The revelation of the word of God is what made Job the richest man in the east. Job had a seven-point plan that led to his amazing wealth. Gold became like dust to him and he had plenty of silver. Knowing God and having a revelation of Him was at the centre of his seven-point plan of prosperity.

Job’s plan of prosperity was simple. It had seven points:

1. Know God. Acquaint yourself with Him and be at peace.
2. Receive the law of God. (Job 22:22)
3. Come to God and be built up. (Job 22:23)
4. Gold, like dust, will be your portion. (Job 22:24)
5. Silver will be your portion. (Job 22:25)
6. God will hear your prayer. (Job 22:27)
7. When men are down you will be exempted. ( Job 22:29)

Job was labouring to know God and labouring to receive the law of God. Job was coming near to God so that he could be built up. Job was not labouring to be rich. He was labouring to know God. Labour for a revelation of God and all these things will be added unto you.