READ: 1 Thessalonians 5:4-9

Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. for they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:6-7

All through the Bible, evil spirits are described as animals.

1. Demons are spiritual lions. (1 Peter 5:8). The devil is described as a lion. The lion produces fear when it roars in the spirit.

2. Demons are spiritual dogs. ((Philippians 3:2; Revelation 22:15) Demons are often described as dogs. We are constantly warned in the Bible about dogs. There are spiritual dogs and you must be careful of them.

3. Demons are spiritual frogs. ((Revelation 16:13) John the revelator saw “three unclean spirits like frogs”. Frogs make you feel uneasy and uncomfortable. The very sight of them is unpleasant. I knew of a witch doctor who made his clients swallow frogs alive. They were swallowing evil spirits for powers. The inexplicable unease and stress that you sometimes feel is caused by a demonic presence.

4. Demons are spiritual birds. (Revelation 18:1-2 ) Birds fly around in the air. These demons enter the mind of human beings through the airwaves. I once encountered a woman who had gone mad. She described a bird flying into her head through her ear. She was vividly describing demon activity that had taken over her mind. A bird had flown in and she had gone mad. People without faith will not believe that such things are possible. Whatever is attacking your mind is bound in the name of Jesus!

The fact that demons are described as animals is a revelation for us. We can understand the pattern of demon activity by understanding the activities of animals in the wild. Most of these animals are active in the night. To arrest them, you must be ready to be awake in the night. It is important to stand up throughout the night and fight devils that are roaming around seeking someone to devour.