READ: Acts 22:12-23

And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.” – Acts 4:33

Witnessing speaks of telling what you have seen and heard and experienced. Witnessing is unique because every single person can be involved in the Great Commission. Your duty is to tell others what you have experienced from God. God is expecting all who have experienced salvation to become commissioners.

What is involved in witnessing? What do witnesses do when they go to court? They simply say what they know and what they have seen. One night in London, I was awakened by the sound of an argument between a man and a woman. I looked out of the window and I saw a very angry man and a very angry woman having a heated argument. It must have been a relationship that had gone bad. Suddenly, the woman entered the house and slammed the door. The young man, very incensed, took his car and began ramming the building. He did this several times and drove off. A couple of days later, a policeman knocked on my door and asked if I had seen anything two nights earlier.

Do you think they wanted me to talk about success, economics or how to become a millionaire? Certainly not! They just wanted me to share what I knew and what I had seen. That is what it means to be a witness. Everyone can be a witness. The policeman did not ask me for my education. I did not have to know anything about the law. I just had to say what I knew and what I had experienced.

The best commissioners are those who simply tell the story of how Jesus changed their lives. Everybody has a story. We have all done wrong and Jesus forgave us. But will you tell your story? It is time to encourage every single Christian to go out and tell the story of how Jesus Christ changed your life.