READ: Ecclesiastes 12:1-7

This is a true saying, if A MAN DESIRE the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.” – 1 Timothy 3:1

When God calls you, he often places a desire within you. You will notice your strong and passionate interest in certain things. Your love for God, your love for soul-winning, your love for church, your love for God’s house will be all that fires you up. This desire is a sign that you are called by God

Paul asked Timothy to look out for those people who had desires to be bishops. Remember that very few people have such desires. Very few people desire to be pastors and ministers of the gospel. Such desires are divinely imparted. I have learnt to respect people’s desires for the work of God.

Sometimes God places in you a desire for loving and serving Him. God places in you a desire for soul winning and church planting. These “unnatural” desires are implanted in you by Almighty God.

God can place in you a desire for an entire nation. He can put in you a desire for a nation or a group of people. Paul had a strong desire for the salvation of his relatives, the Jews (Romans 10:1). There are times I have felt a strong desire for the salvation of certain nations. I have found myself weeping and praying for their salvation.

Desires do genuinely fail and stop completely. Desire failure (a lack of desire) is as devastating as heart failure or kidney failure. A lack of desire completely changes a person. A lack of desire causes a person to behave abnormally and function way below his purpose. A person who is at the end of his life’s mission is usually without a desire to live. A person at the end of his life’s mission has no desire to accomplish anything new. It is a very sad thing when there is no more desire. The end of desire is usually the end of the mission.