READ: 2 Timothy 2:19-21

After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;” – Revelation 7:9

In a great house there are vessels of gold, vessels of silver, vessels of wood and vessels of earth. In a great house there are vessels of honour and vessels of dishonour.

A great house is a church with many congregations. It is the many different congregations that make up a really great house. A great house is a church with many branches. A great house is a great church! A great house is a large church! A great house is a growing church! A great house is a church with a thousand branches!

Most churches are made up of only one type of person, coming from one country or race. It is not common to find black, white and other colours all mixed up in one church. Most churches are either white or black. There is usually very little crossover. In certain countries black and white people never interact.

The greater the house of God, the more variety there will be. If your church has only old people, it is not a great church. A church with only old people will be finished soon. A church with only young people does not have the benefit of the wisdom of the old. A great house has educated and uneducated people. A great house has cultured and uncultured people. A great house has international people as well as the local people.

A great house is a house with great variety! A great house is a house with many vessels – vessels of silver, vessels of gold and vessels of wood all mixed together. When you have a small house you may have only one type of vessel. You may have only plastic vessels or you may have only ceramic vessels. But in a large house there will also be vessels of gold and vessels of silver