READ: Daniel 6:1-9

Then this DANIEL WAS PREFERRED above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm” – Daniel 6:3

Prosperity causes people to plot against you. Many people plotted against Daniel. They had meetings to discuss Daniel. They had meetings that excluded Daniel. They murmured and grumbled against him. He was rejected of men. He was an outcast.

Then the presidents and princes SOUGHT TO FIND OCCASION against Daniel concerning the kingdom; … Daniel 6:4

In the end, their hatred for Daniel boiled over and they threw him into the lions’ den. By faith, none of the conspiracies of men were successful. The men who hated Daniel were even more wicked than the lions. Their mouths and their hearts conspired against Daniel in a vicious cycle of hatred and murder.

By faith, Daniel escaped being eaten by lions. Through his faith, he stopped the mouth of lions. This is what is going to happen to you. Those who think you are doomed will be surprised to see you coming out untouched and unharmed.

Just as Daniel was preferred, (Daniel 6:3) you will be preferred and chosen over and over again. By faith, you will emerge as a champion in your company, your business and your church. You will soon become a national hero. Everyone in the country will soon know you for good reasons. Daniel was preferred! You will be preferred soon! Daniel prospered! You will prosper soon!

So this DANIEL PROSPERED in the reign of Darius, and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian.