READ: Matthew 25:31- 43

For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not” – Matthew 25:42- 43

Jesus Christ came to this world completely disguised and hidden from the wicked men of this earth. The book of Revelation reveals that Jesus Christ was completely disguised when He walked on this earth.

Jesus Christ is revealed in the book of Revelation: His head is white as wool. His eyes are flaming fire. His feet are like burning brass and His voice is like the sound of water. Amazing! In reality, this picture is who and what Jesus Christ is: His glistening face, His piercing eyes, His wonderful voice, His burning feet, His powerful mouth and His glorious hair. Wow! So this is who He really was!

But when He walked amongst us by the Sea of Galilee, He had none of these features. Jesus had put on a remarkable disguise and walked amongst us in humility and weakness, allowing only God-fearing people to recognize Him.

Let us go through some of the disguises that Jesus is using today. Knowing these disguises is important, because it helps us to know when we may be inadvertently dealing with Jesus Christ.

1. The disguise of a hungry and thirsty person
2. The disguise of a homeless person
3. The disguise of a naked person
4. The disguise of a sick person
5. The disguise of a prisoner

Woe unto to you if you miss these disguises and mishandle the Son of God!