READ: Matthew 17:24-27

According as HIS DIVINE POWER HATH GIVEN UNTO US ALL THINGS that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:” – 2 Peter 1:3

Once you believe in the invisible power of God, you are opening yourself up to receiving a supernatural supply of finances. His divine power gives us all things that pertain to this life and godliness. Expect divine power to bring you mystical and heavenly supplies.

Just as people believe in the supernatural ability of God to heal disease and sickness, you must open yourself up to believe in the supernatural supply of money. God shall supply! God will supply! There are several examples of supernatural, mystical, paranormal provision that came through pure divine power. This is what you must labour for. Labour for supernatural provision. Expect God to intervene! See what he did for others and expect Him to do it for you.

Jesus paid His tax with a supernatural supply. He sent His disciples fishing. He must have told Simon, “Go fishing and you will find a mystical, paranormal, supernatural fish which will have a coin in its mouth. This coin will be so valuable that you will be able to pay all our obligations. We will be able to pay all our bills and taxes.”

I know that some religious people would wish that this scripture was not in the Bible. But it is! God can send money to you supernaturally. God can provide for you outside your job. God can send mystical supplies to take care of everything you need. It is time to wake up to this reality. It is not absurd if you believe in the supernatural and mystical supply of God.

God will provide the money you need for your church. God will provide the money you need for your mission. God will provide you with cars, fuel and accommodation. God will give you everything you need. Men of little faith always reject the possibility and reality of the divine provision of God. Expect God to take care of you through paranormal, mystical, unusual and extraordinary means.