READ: John 6:35-45

No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me DRAW HIM: and I will raise him up at the last day.” – John 6:44

Being drawn to God is supernatural. It is the Father who is drawing you. Many people do not like God! Many people do not want to pray or fast. Many people do not like the Bible! Many people do not like church. To be drawn to something is to be attracted to it. God puts it in your heart to be attracted to Him and to the church!

You may find yourself being drawn to church, to Christian things and to God. It is so subtle that you do not even notice that you are gravitating towards the church and not the nightclub.

It is important to recognize what you are drawn to. To recognize what you are drawn to is probably the most difficult spiritual experience of all. This is because when you are being drawn to God, you do not notice what is happening to you. You just keep finding yourself in the church, in a fellowship, at a meeting and with the brethren.

If you are drawn to a man, you are also having a spiritual experience. What is the difference between being drawn to someone and desiring something? Being drawn to someone is supernatural. When you are drawn to someone, you find yourself gravitating towards the person. You find yourself being interested in what the person says and does. When you desire something, there is a stronger internal yearning for that thing. A desire creates a stronger impression on you than a “drawing”. Have the fear of God in you and have a proper respect for whom God is drawing you to.

All of us are drawn to different things. When you recognize what you are drawn to, you will begin to recognize your calling.