READ: Romans 10:1-16

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!” – Isaiah 52:7

A soul winning, mission conscious church sends out missionaries to plant branches of the church in different nations and in different regions of the world. This is the kind of church that can become a double mega missionary church.

It is up to you now to choose which kind of pastor you want to be. The people you associate with are likely to be just like you. If the ministers of the gospel who are your friends are conscious of souls, you are likely to be equally conscious of soul winning. If they are on fire about soul winning and world missions you are likely to be on fire about soul winning and world missions.

Start preaching and start listening to soul winning messages and start reading about the importance of soul winning. What you put in is what will come out! Start reading about the heroes of soul winning. The great evangelists and soul winners like William Booth must be people you admire.

Instead of telling your congregation about the achievements of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs tell them about the achievements of William Booth, Reinhard Bonnke and Billy Graham. Such people must be more popular in your church than Lee Kuan Yew, George Bush, Nelson Mandela and Winston Churchill.

Tell your church about great missionaries like Adoniram Judson and William Carey. Instead of giving them quotations from Encyclopaedia Britannica, Forbes Magazine and the Financial Times give them quotations from these Christian heroes. Tell them about the great missionaries who gave their lives to bring the gospel to the islands and to the ends of the earth.