READ: Deuteronomy 8:11-13, 18

BUT MY GOD SHALL SUPPLY all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:19

Do you believe in the anointing for wealth? There is such an anointing as the anointing for wealth. The anointing for wealth is a spiritual power that creates mystical wealth and supply. The anointing for wealth creates a supernatural supply of fullness, flocks, goodly houses, silver and gold. Believe in it and you will receive it.

Godliness affects all things including finances. There is a direct correlation between a godly life and financial provision from God. If you are a thief, a curse will operate in your life. You cannot steal and expect God’s provision to work with you. Begin to practice godliness and you will see God’s hand moving in your finances.

God has the power to transform you into a rich person. I do not know exactly how He will do that. But I know that He does such things. God makes grace to abound so that you have sufficiency. Grace is a supernatural and spiritual force. By the grace of God you will come out of poverty. By the grace of God, all your needs will be met! God is able to make all grace abound towards you. Receive supernatural grace and walk in it!

Hard work and diligence make a person rich. However, we all know people who work very hard but are still not rich. There are many hardworking salaried workers in the world. Not many of these salaried workers prosper to a certain level in the world. You will need more than hard work if you are to enter certain realms of prosperity. You need the blessing of God! The blessing of the Lord maketh rich! (Proverbs 10:22). The blessings of God will raise you up into high levels of prosperity