READ: Matthew 14:15-20

But my GOD SHALL SUPPLY all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:19

What is a supernatural supply? It is a mystical supply of whatever you need. Supernatural supply is the use of divine power to meet your needs. This mystical supply from God takes place through extraordinary and paranormal methods. In the natural, such provision could never take place. Jesus Christ feeding five thousand people with five loaves and two fish is an example of this paranormal, mystical supply.

My God shall supply! God supplies provisions! God sends supernatural supplies! God is a supplier! God gives supernatural provisions! God can send supernatural supplies to you! My God shall supply! God is the source of all supernatural supplies.

The blessing of having a supernatural supply of money is a real thing. Money and supplies do not only come from hard work. Salaried workers find it hard to believe that there is a supernatural way of receiving an income.

Instead of striving for riches, strive to receive the blessing of paranormal and mystical supplies from heaven. Why work with all your heart to get money, when you can work with all your heart to have a blessing?

It is important that Christians believe in the supernatural part of God’s word. You cannot only believe in things that are logical. Many things in the Old and New Testament are supernatural. God has stated clearly, “… It is He that giveth thee power to get wealth…” (Deuteronomy 8:18). It means that there is a “Power to get wealth”. You are either going to be a believer in these things or a doubter.