READ: Isaiah 24: 1-6

Therefore hath THE CURSE DEVOURED THE EARTH, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left” – Isaiah 24: 6

Modern Christians are more aware of evil spirits and devils than they are of curses. Modern Christians respect the reality of demons but do not fear and respect the reality of curses. Christians must have a proper respect for curses.

I believe in the reality of demons, evil spirits and devils. I bind them daily and I cast them out of my life. I have written many books about demons. However, I also believe that curses are the real reason why these evil spirits have the chance to work and cause frustration, evil and death. It is evil spirits that implement curses! Curses provide the legal framework for evil spirits to carry out their wickedness. Curses are real whether you believe in their existence or not!

You must begin to have respect for the presence of curses which determine and fashion human life as we know it today! Most of what we are experiencing today are determined by curses and blessings that were spoken years ago.

… but ye have not looked unto the maker thereof, NEITHER HAD RESPECT unto him that fashioned it long ago. Isaiah 22: 11

Indeed, one of the chief characteristics about heaven is that there will be no more curse. (Revelation 22:3)

I believe that every group of people in the world – the rich, the poor, men, women, Jews, non-Jews, blacks and whites are respected by God and have the opportunity to escape and overcome every withering curse that is at work in their lives. God respects you and expects you to rise up and be great.