READ: Genesis 12:1-4

And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed ” – Genesis 12:3

Instead of striving for wealth, strive to become a blessing. Why work with all your heart to get money, when you can work with all your heart to help others. It is time for you to decide to become a blessing to many people. It is far greater to become a blessing than just to be a blessed person!

Your ultimate vision for life must be to labour to be a blessing. Beyond a certain amount of income there is no benefit to the receiver. Beyond a certain number of houses you can no longer safely control what you have.

I would like to be like Abraham who became a blessing to the whole world. God said to Abraham, “All nations will be blessed through you”(Genesis 12:3). This is how God called Abraham. He called Abraham to bless him so that he would be a blessing to the nations of the world. You never find Abraham labouring to be rich. You find him labouring to obey God. You find him labouring to please his Creator. Yet you find him becoming a blessing to the whole of mankind. Those who labour to be rich never achieve the heights that Abraham achieved.

It is rare to see people have a life’s goal of building God’s house. Most people’s life’s goals have to do with establishing their own houses and increasing their personal wealth. In this chapter, you will see people whose goals were to be a blessing to others. It was not about themselves. It was all about God and His kingdom.

Be a blessing to others! This is the highest call! The call to be a blessing! God is calling you today to be a blessing to many people. Some people are blessed but they never become a blessing to others. You must rise up to the challenge and become a blessing to others.