READ: Numbers 18:1-11

And thou shalt make it an OIL OF HOLY OINTMENT, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil. And thou shalt ANOINT THE TABERNACLE OF THE CONGREGATION therewith, and the ark of the testimony ” – Exodus 30:25-26

The anointing oil is to mark out a church and give it certain characteristics. It is the anointing that defines how your church will turn out. There is an anointing that creates a community church. There is an anointing that creates a city church. There is an anointing that creates a national church and there is an anointing that creates a global church.

There is an anointing that creates a church with a healing ministry. There is an anointing that creates a church with a strong teaching ministry. There are churches that are built on the preaching anointing. All these different oils create different kinds of ministries. The oil was to be poured on the tabernacle to mark it out and give it special characteristics.

The anointing oil is to be poured on the tabernacle of the congregation. When the oil was poured out, it was visible on the tent. Everyone who passed by would notice the oiled tabernacle. The anointing marked out the church.

The anointing oil is also the reason for the offerings. Whatever offerings or income we have is because of the anointing. The heave offerings are given to the priests because of the anointing. The anointing on your life is what causes offerings to be given to you. The Lord caused offerings to be given to the anointed.

And the Lord spake unto Aaron, Behold, I ALSO HAVE GIVEN THEE THE CHARGE OF MINE HEAVE OFFERINGS of all the hallowed things of the children of Israel; UNTO THEE HAVE I GIVEN THEM BY REASON OF THE ANOINTING,… . Numbers 18:8

Usually, the greater the anointing, the greater the support for the ministry