READ: Mark 1:32-39

And in the morning, RISING UP A GREAT WHILE BEFORE DAY, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.” – Mark 1:35

5 Reasons Why You Should Pray At Dawn:

1. Praying at dawn will help you develop one of the most important habits of your life: Praying at dawn is very repeatable. It is something you can do tomorrow and every day of the year. You can have a dawn prayer time during every season of the year. Even on the busiest days of your life a dawn prayer time with the Lord is possible.

2. Praying at dawn will help you to read your Bible and grow in the Word: When you pray at dawn, you will find yourself praying much more than at any other time. Because of this, you will find yourself reading your Bible much more than you ever have. Every time you pray, you can read your Bible and meditate on the Word. When you learn how to pray at dawn, you will discover that your knowledge of the word of God will greatly increase.

3. Praying at dawn will help you to fight prayerlessness. Any Christian who has not learnt how to rise up a great while before day is most probably a prayerless believer.

4. Praying at dawn will enable you to fight shallowness: When you have no roots, you are more prone to fall away. It is the hidden part of you that gives you strength in public. If there is no hidden prayer in your life, there will be no public strength.

5. Praying at dawn will help you to fight your lack of spirituality: Spirituality is achieved by continuous prayer. You cannot achieve spirituality without frequent and continuous prayer times. Your dawn prayers will make you a truly spiritual person.