READ: Jeremiah17:5-8

Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; …neither shall cease from yielding fruit” – Jeremiah 17:7-8

When God calls you to ministry, you have a passion to follow Him and to do whatever He says. After a season of obeying God, you discover for yourself how true the Word of God is. You discover how prayer works. You discover the importance of the Bible and the truths of the Bible.

After a few years of serving God, it seems that you know everything and there is a silent but deadly assumption that you have found the keys to life and ministry. It is easy to stop seeking God and to rely on the knowledge that you have acquired. You may be filled with the knowledge acquired from your experiences and years of serving the Lord. Amazingly, it is this knowledge of good and evil that brings about an overwhelming desolation in the life of a minister.

Unfortunately, the intensity of the ministry diminishes as preachers depend more and more on the knowledge of good and evil that they have acquired over the years. They lose their sharpness, their vividness and their cutting-edge appeal. After a while, many can see the dullness, the dreariness and the lifelessness of the pastor and his ministry.

I have found myself having to seek God all the time in order to stay fresh. Seeking God does not just mean having extended times of prayers. It also means fighting to know the mind of God for your life today.

It means not depending on what you know already but being open to know any fresh revelation and guidance from the Lord. That is what will ensure the intensity, vividness, clarity and newness in the spirit of every minister.