READ: Matthew 11:7-19

Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. ” – Matthew 4:1-3

Jesus Christ was well known for eating and drinking. Yet He had such power available in His ministry. No one cast out devils the way He did! No one has healed the sick the way He did.

Multitudes have been blessed by the power of Jesus’ ministry. So where did the power come from? Did it come from His eating and drinking lifestyle? Certainly not! When you look into the ministry of Jesus Christ, you see how He fasted and prayed at the beginning of His ministry. That era of fasting and praying carried Jesus throughout His ministry.

A foundation for your ministry should be fasting and prayer. Without a foundational season of fasting and prayer you will not have a certain kind of ministry. I can remember having a season of fasting and prayer for every aspect of my ministry.

Today, softies are being raised up in churches; people who have not waited on God for their ministries. Waiting on God with fasting and prayer is the background you need to start your ministry. Is it any wonder that demons are not cast out the way they were cast out in the time of Jesus? We now cast out sick people and people who need help. It is time to start casting out devils from the church!