READ: Acts 4:5-14

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, THAT THEY HAD BEEN WITH JESUS…” – Acts 4:13

Watching Christian television or interacting with men of God will quickly lead you to the conclusion that “not all men of God have the presence of God with them”. Ministers who have the presence of God usually preach about salvation. Ministers who have the presence of God preach about Jesus Christ and not about economics, money, empowerment or the market place.

How can that be? Indeed all men of God quote scripture. All men of God claim to represent God. All the men of God seem to declare wonderful things about a great God. Yet many do not have the presence of God with them. With experience you will be able to detect this by a simple conversation with a man of God. Listening or watching a man of God for just a minute is enough to know whether the presence of God is present or not.

Those who stay in church for long hours have the presence of God. Those who company with God are those we really need to hear from. Those who have really experienced God are those who carry the true words of God. We don’t need human ideas. We need the reality of God.

We don’t need high-sounding phrases nor do we need motivational speeches for our lives. We need to hear from God. We need something from God’s presence.

Who are those who really have the presence of God? Who are those precious men of God that we really need to listen to? Those who preach about Jesus and salvation have the presence of God with them. Those who stay in fellowship for long times have the presence of God. It is time to be one of the men of God who has the presence of God around him.