READ: Revelation 3:14-19

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” – Revelation 3:16

It is not possible to be a good Christian and not be zealous, faith filled and fiery. Lukewarmness is the deadly enemy of the church. You must not let the fire of God wane by drifting from His presence. The zeal you have in your heart must be maintained. You must be set on fire by the love that you have for God. Lukewarmness is an ultimate curse that destroys the church and the foundations of Christianity.

Dealing with lukewarmness requires great wisdom and great understanding. Most people do not understand God’s reaction to lukewarmness. God’s reaction to lukewarm people is to spit them out of His mouth. God’s reaction to lukewarmness may seem extreme to you. But it only seems extreme to you because you don’t know what it really means. Lukewarmness is the only thing so disgusting to God that it causes Him to spit you out as something detestable.

Lukewarmness is the same as being complacent and satisfied with far less than you should be. What makes lukewarmness so detestable? Lukewarmness is evil because it contains the ingredients of deception and demon activity.

Your lukewarmness is actually a very strong message. Lukewarmness is a message of rejection! That is why the all-wise God and the all-knowing God, meets lukewarmness with total rejection.

To be lukewarm is to be non-committed towards anything. It is deception because no one is really non committed or lukewarm. Every one is really committed and zealous about something. Someone’s lukewarmness towards you is a sign of his or her rejection of you. Your lukewarmness towards God is just a revelation of your rejection of God.