READ: Ezekiel 47: 9-12

And it shall come to pass, that every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: and THERE SHALL BE A VERY GREAT MULTITUDE OF FISH, because these waters shall come thither: for they shall be healed; …” – Ezekiel 47:9

Many churches are stale. They live off old glories. They only sing old hymns, old songs and do the old things. Indeed, because the Spirit is no longer there, hymns and songs that were once alive have become dead. The sermons are not fresh and the leadership of the church lacks life and freshness.

The river of the Holy Spirit brings life. Life is the greatest sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit. All the scriptures, all the songs, all the hymns, all the rituals, all the formalities, all the uniforms, all the presentations, all the dramas, all the dances come alive when the Holy Spirit is present. There will be a great harvest of souls into the church of God. Many will be saved and delivered from the clutches of the devil. Through the river of God, a great multitude of souls come into the church.

When you swim in the river of God, you will experience healing in your ministry. When you are not swimming in the river, there may be some good teachings, some good preaching and some nice logical presentations of truths. However, when you start swimming in the river, you will see healings. To be healed of cancer is a completely supernatural experience. To recover from incurable diseases is to experience completely supernatural miracles. When you swim in the river, you will see the miracle power of God.

Flowing with the river of God will make you experience fruitfulness and prosperity. The river brings a multitude of fish and abundant prosperity to the ministry. The river brings great opportunities to the ministry. There will be an abundance of work in the ministry. There will be an abundance of secular jobs because of the power of the Holy Spirit. There will be jobs and prosperity for all church members because of the power of the Holy Spirit.