READ: Romans 3:21-31

“…Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;” – Romans 3:23-25

The blood of Jesus Christ washes away the sins of all those who come to the cross to receive mercy. To be a great commissioner, you must be an expert in preaching forgiveness and the remission of sins through the blood of Jesus.

You must be an expert in preaching about what Jesus Christ did on the cross for us. The cross of Jesus Christ at Calvary is the greatest event of forgiveness for the sins of our wicked world. The words “Calvary”, “the cross”, “the blood” must not be made fun of.

I once heard a pastor preaching about the cross. He said we are no longer to sing songs about hiding behind the cross. We are not cowards! We do not need to hide behind any cross! We are to sing songs about victory and abundance. It is no wonder that this minister withered and faded out of the ministry of Jesus Christ. One pastor said he was glad that he no longer preached a religion of blood and the brutality of the cross. I watched as he ended his life and ministry in a rubbish dump.

We must be wary of clever preaching that mocks at the foundations of Christianity. We must be wary of these dignified and powerful ambassadors of the church who trivialise salvation, gospel preaching and make fun of the cross of Jesus Christ. If the cross of Jesus Christ is too basic for you, then you do not understand what Christianity is about.

We are commanded to preach the remission of sins. Let us do just that! We have not been commissioned to preach about finances and management planning. We have not been commissioned to preach about investments, politics, stocks and bonds. We have been commissioned to preach about the blood of Jesus Christ and the remission of sins.