READ: Genesis 18:11-15

BE NOT RIGHTEOUS OVER MUCH; neither make thyself over wise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself?” – Ecclesiastes 7:16

One day, God will command you to do something pleasurable. It is your duty to obey Him in that as well. To have faith is therefore to obey all the commands of God.

Indeed, we all accept Abraham as the father of faith. His greatest act of faith was to obey a pleasurable command of God. The Lord appeared to him and told him he was going to have a baby in a year’s time. Both Abraham and Sarah knew what God’s instruction meant. Sarah asked, “Shall I have pleasure after I am old?” (Genesis 18:12). Everyone knew that the word that had come from the Lord meant that they were supposed to get together and have pleasure.

Will you obey God when He tells you to do things that give you pleasure, rest, happiness and enjoyment? Most of us are suffering from over-righteousness and therefore cannot relax nor obey God when He gives us pleasurable commands. We will fast, we will pray, we will sacrifice and we will give money to the work of God. But most of us do not have faith to obey His pleasurable commands.

Not obeying the pleasurable commands of God is a manifestation of over-righteousness. Over righteousness, self-righteousness and unrighteous judgment are dangerous and deadly sins. Failing to obey the pleasurable commands of God can end your life prematurely. Many Christians are destroyed because they refuse to believe that God gives commands that are actually enjoyable. Through your obedience to God’s pleasurable commandments, you will have a great life.

Accept God’s blessings and stop fighting God when He gives you the moments of pleasure, peace and joy.