READ: Genesis 3:1-9

And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, …and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.” – Genesis 3:7-8

As you grow in experience in this life, you gradually assimilate the knowledge of good and evil. By the time you are seventeen years old, you probably know of many things that are good for you or are evil for you. This is the knowledge that comes to all mankind. Now comes the difference between Christians and non-Christians.

Non-Christians continue to live, doing things that are evil whilst justifying themselves continually. They especially justify their lives by referring to the good things that they do as being the basis for being okay.

Since they know what is good and what is evil, they do not need to go to church, to pray or to serve God. This creates a large group of people who live without God simply because they think they know what is right and wrong in this life. Once they do a few good things, they justify themselves and overlook any evil they may be involved in. This self-determined standard of good and evil has created a perverted world of twisted human beings living without God. Unfortunately, this is where the perversions of mankind make their entry.

Europe has people who are perfect examples of those who have eaten of the tree of good and evil and excluded God completely from their lives. They believe in what they understand to be right. On Sunday morning, European families enjoy breakfast and have a good family time together since they consider that to be a good thing. Very few Europeans would ever go to church. Their cathedrals and church buildings are empty on Sunday mornings Church is now frivolous and unnecessary to them.

You can see how subtly but powerfully the knowledge of good and evil has eliminated God from our lives and created a lost and desolate race of human beings.