READ: Genesis 6:8-14

For if God spared not the angels that sinned… but saved NOAH THE EIGHTH PERSON, A PREACHER OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;” – 2 Peter 2:4-5

What you build for God may end up preserving your ministry. There are churches that do not exist today because they preached but did not build anything. There are pastors who disobeyed instructions to build churches and have thereby quenched great ministries. Lazy and phlegmatic men, who refuse to rise up and build, destroy God’s work without intending to.

Perhaps God wants you to build something for Him. In addition to all the things you have done in your life, God wants you to do a little bit more. The little bit more may be the reason why you will be remembered. Noah was a righteous preacher. He probably had a church with a good congregation. What else could Noah do after being a preacher of righteousness in a very wicked world? But God wanted him to do just a little bit more than he had done all his life. He wanted a boat! Of all things, God wanted Noah to build a boat!

Today, Noah’s preaching is not remembered. His sermon notes are not found anywhere! In fact, no one knows what he preached about. Noah is remembered for the great work of building the ark.

If Noah had rejected the idea of doing a little bit more, we would not even know his name today. It is important to respond with fear to God’s instruction to you. If He wants you to build something, please make sure you build it.