READ: 1 Corinthians 1:20-30

But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: ” – 1 Corinthians 1:30

Jesus was wise. Although He was a young man, He was filled with the wisdom of God. He knew things that even old people did not know. He spoke with great maturity and He spoke beautiful words. The people marvelled, “What wisdom is this?” I prophesy that you will become a man of wisdom. You will accomplish great things. Mighty things will be done in your ministry and many fruits will be borne for the Lord.

Solomon was wise. He built the house of God and he built his own house. Whatever keeps you out of the wisdom of Solomon is broken down now in the Name of Jesus! Receive Solomonic wisdom that you might build houses and build churches! I curse the spirit of impractical things. I bring down the demon of unachievable goals! I come against every idealistic and unreal vision that prevents you from achieving great things for God!

David was wise. He had the wisdom of an angel of God. He knew many things and prepared for the future. He survived many battles and won many wars for the people of God. His leadership of Israel has never been forgotten and no king ever came near to his stature. Even until this day, David’s name stands out in the history of Israel.

May your name stand out in the history of your nation. May your leadership skills improve from now onwards. May you be a person who unites rather than divides! Through you, may many people become wealthy and may the church become famous through your ministry!

Bezaleel was wise. Bezaleel was a skilful builder of the tabernacle. Receive the ability to build beautiful places where the glory of God will dwell. You are called to build many things for Jesus! The great grace that was on Bezaleel will be upon your life. Receive great opportunities to do great things for God.