READ: Matthew 26:36-39

Again I say unto you, That IF TWO OF YOU SHALL AGREE ON EARTH as touching any thing that they shall ask, IT SHALL BE DONE FOR THEM of my Father which is in heaven” – Matthew 18:19

If you have prayed for something and you are not getting an answer, try joining forces with someone else to pray about the same thing.

Notice how Jesus went for prayer meetings with His disciples. He went to the Garden of Gethsemane with all His disciples. He did not go alone for the prayer meeting in the Garden of Gethsemane. He went with disciples. Even in the garden, He went a little further with Peter, James and John. Why did He do this? He needed more unity in mind and spirit to get His prayer answered.

It is important for you to find people of like mind with whom you can pray. The reason for praying with someone is simple. There is a special promise of answered prayer if two people agree on earth. When God sees two human beings praying together and agreeing on the topic they are praying about, He is moved even more to answer the prayer. The scripture says, “It shall be done for them of my Father.”

When you find someone you can pray with, you activate another promise of God. In addition to all the other promises of prayer, you activate an additional reason why God has to answer your prayer. Remember these words: It shall be done for them by my Father! It shall be done for them by my Father! It shall be done for them by my Father!

Rise up and find a prayer partner! Start praying together with people of like minds. You are likely to receive an answer for everything you pray about using the agreement prayer. Praying with someone is a deeply spiritual act. Praying with “agreement partners” is a deeply spiritual act. Those you can pray such prayers with, must have the same spiritual heart and mind as you. They must have the same vision as you.