READ: Hebrews 11:1-10

By faith ABEL OFFERED UNTO GOD A MORE EXCELLENT SACRIFICE THAN CAIN, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.” – Hebrews 11:4

Doing a little bit more will make a whole lot of difference in your life and ministry.

Abel did a little bit more! Abel gave a better offering than Cain by doing a little bit more. God is not impressed with vegetable salad offerings. God wants an offering of life. The life is in the blood. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. The blood sacrifice is what God desires from man.

Unfortunately, Cain couldn’t be bothered to give God what God really liked. If Cain had done a little bit more towards God, he may still have been alive today. Cain could not be bothered to do a little bit more. He just wanted to give something average. He just wanted to finish with the giving of offerings.

Abel, on the other hand, did a little bit more than Cain and it made all the difference. God was pleased with him. Indeed, both of them brought offerings from their work. However, Abel tried to please God.

Today, you must ask yourself if you cannot give a little bit more and do a little bit more towards God’s work. Perhaps when you get to heaven you will regret how you could have done a little bit more on earth. Most people can do a little bit more but simply do what they can get by with. Giving a little bit more money, paying your tithes and being a little more diligent in helping God’s work may make such a difference.