READ: Matthew 28:16-20

“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” – Matthew 28:18-19

Jesus said, “Go!” Yet most Christians have stayed. Few churches send anybody anywhere. Few pastors send anyone anywhere. It is a commission to move and yet the church is stationary. We stay in our nice churches! We stay in our nice countries. We stay in our comfortable homes. Most of the church is not going anywhere.

Jesus said all power has been given to Him! You must preach the gospel with power, with signs and with wonders. Yet, most Christians have gone into the world without the power of God. Teaching with PowerPoint, computers and projectors is not the same as teaching with miracles, signs and wonders. Many parts of the world need a demonstration of God’s power. You must become a minister of God with real power demonstration!

Jesus said, “Teach!” The Great Commission is a commission to teach. Teach what? It is not a commission to teach economics, business, physics, chemistry or history. Do you think that Jesus Christ is sending you out to teach economics, business or history? You must be joking! He is not doing that. These subjects did not even exist in His day. He is sending us out to teach the word of God.

The commission to teach implies the need to stay in a place longer. This is how churches are formed. Indeed, the Great Commission, according to Matthew is a commission to plant churches so that teaching can come on. It is not possible to teach much in a day. It is not possible to teach much in two days. You have to live with people if you are going to teach them anything. This is where church planting becomes important. We can conclude safely, therefore, that the Great Commission is also a commission to plant churches.