READ: Isaiah 60:1-7

Arise, SHINE; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, THE DARKNESS SHALL COVER THE EARTH, AND GROSS DARKNESS THE PEOPLE: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.” – Isaiah 60:1-2

God’s people exit the cursed path of darkness through the light of God. You will begin to shine when the light of God and the glory of God rise upon you. The vast majority of people do not shine in this life; they live in frustration and difficulty. The gross darkness that covers all people is the condition that the whole world is struggling under.

Darkness represents the curse, difficulty and evil. The light represents God’s word, God’s wisdom and God’s direction for your life. You begin to shine when the light of God comes into your life. The light of God is the Word of God (Psalm 119:105). The light of God is the direction that comes from the Holy Spirit. The light of God is the wisdom that comes to you from the wisdom of God. The Word of God is always light and it is always delivering you from the darkness and the gross darkness that is upon the world today.

Through the wonderful direction that comes to you from the Word of God, many will come to you to study and understand what you are doing. Many people will also come to you and call you their father. You will enjoy the blessing of daughters being nursed at your side. Your sons will be brought from far, their silver and gold with them.

The curse of darkness is blocked, totally stopped and overcome by the light that comes from God. You begin to shine because the light of God has risen upon your life. Frustration, struggles, molestation and difficulty become a thing of the past as you allow the light of God to shine in your life.