READ: Proverbs 24:30-34

Build ye houses and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them;” – Jeremiah 29:5

Typical servants of servants do not have lawns, gardens and beautiful mansions. Typical servants of servants cannot make places beautiful. When a “servant of servants” is put in charge of a place, there are no well-kept lawns or gardens, no pavements, and no beautiful sights. If it is a servant of servants who is in charge, you will notice the shabbiness at the entrance.

You will notice uncompleted structures. You will notice half-finished projects everywhere: half-finished houses, half-finished roads, and half-painted structures. Where there are servants of servants, the finishing is very poor. Tiles are not straight, windows are crooked, doors are slanted and there are dangerous hanging wires everywhere. Servants of servants cannot make a city beautiful. The city will be littered with kiosks, shacks, tables, sign boards, unplastered walls, halfpainted buildings, different heights of walls and so on. Where there are

servants of servants, there is no order. Parts of the streets are used as markets to sell shoes, clothes, bags, jeans, cooked food, fish, phone chips, phone cards, dog chains, and videos. The other parts of the street are used for parking and loading passengers. Commotion, disorderliness, and chaos are the hallmarks of the places where servants of servants are in charge.

It is a curse not to be able to make a place beautiful. When you visit the slums that exist in certain cities, you immediately know which group of people is living there. You must neutralize this curse by specifically creating beautiful places. You must distance yourself from places, which are disorderly. Let your leadership intentionally do the opposite of everything described above. God is giving you the wisdom to neutralize and diffuse a picture and a curse.