READ: Mark 14:1-9

…And the king said unto him, what shall be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour? Now Haman thought in his heart, To whom would the king delight to do honour more than to myself?” – Esther 6:6

Jesus memorialised the lady in Mark 14, because she honoured him without restraint and without concern for what people thought. She honoured him in time, and she spared no expense. To some, it was a waste, but to God it was not a waste of money!

Do something costly and expensive for the person you honour! There are times you must set aside all restraints and shower the person you wish to honour with something expensive.

Many people wait for the person to die before they show unbridled, uninhibited love and honour. Funerals that spare no expense are held for people who cannot see what is happening. When they were alive, there were all sorts of reasons for not spending money. It is too expensive! It is too extravagant! It is not necessary! It is not our style! When they are dead, people want to buy the most expensive coffin and pay five hundred thousand dollars to buy a lot for their burial in a special garden cemetery.

The greatest example of uninhibited honouring with substance is seen in the honouring of Mordecai by the king – Esther 6:6-10. This scripture answers all the questions about what to do when you want to honour someone.

The king asked a crucial question. What should be done to the man whom the king wants to honour? Haman thought to himself that the king would want to honour him. So he gave a rundown of what should be done to a person who was going to be honoured. Please note the elements of this great honour. Royal clothing! A special horse (a form of transportation)! A crown! Public acclamation and recognition!