READ: 1 Peter 1:13-16

And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.” – Revelation 19:8

White linen is the environment in which God dwells, and speaks of righteousness and holiness. These are essential if you are to attract the presence of God.

The fence of the Tabernacle was made of linen, and the linen was white in colour. Many different items were used in the building of God’s residence. Colours do have symbolic meanings, and we can learn these from the Bible. Because fine linen is used in other parts of the Bible, we can also understand what linen signifies. The use of white linen in the Tabernacle is a revelation of how to create an environment that is conducive to the presence of God (Exodus 26:1-3).

Do you want to have the presence of God in your life and ministry? Then you will need to have a lot of “white linen,” which speaks of righteousness, holiness and dedication to God. If you do not build the Tabernacle according to the pattern, God will not inhabit it, and His presence will not go with you in your life or in your ministry (Exodus 33:14-15).

God’s presence is found where there is righteousness. Holiness and righteousness are necessary if you want to experience God’s presence. Without righteousness and holiness, you cannot see God!

Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Hebrews 12:14

It is important to create a holy and righteous environment if you want to experience the presence of God; you can practically invoke the presence of God by creating a holy environment. A sin-ridden environment of wickedness, unrighteousness and evil will not invoke the presence of God.