READ: Proverbs 20:18

For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established;” – Romans 1:11

After you are born again you become established by listening to and receiving from those who have been Christians before you. You cannot make it in Christ without the input of older Christians. Those who have been in Christ longer than you will know more about dodging evil and surviving as a Christian. They have been tested in the same temptations that you are now experiencing. Establishment comes by listening to good advice from older Christians, pastors and teachers. If you do not listen to the pastor’s teaching and to his words of advice, you will be destroyed before you can be established in Christ.

After you are born again you become established by taking good decisions. After you are born again you need to take good decisions that help your Christian life. Proverbs 29:4 says that the king by judgment (wise decisions) establishes the land. Without practical decisions you will fall back into all your old ways. You need to separate yourself practically from all that is evil in your life. You need to take back your keys, which are with the enemy. Do not let him have the keys to your house!

Many Christians simply fall out of Christ because they do not take practical decisions that will help them. The things I used to do, I do them no more! Do not go to the places you used to go to before. Do not have the friends that you used to have before. Do not maintain the old relationships that you used to have. Take wise decisions and you will distance yourself from the devil and all that he seeks to destroy you with.