READ: Acts 16:13-15

“And a certain woman named Lydia, A SELLER OF PURPLE, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul.” Acts 16:14

Lydia was a seller of purple because purple was something valuable to be bought. Purple is a sign of riches and prosperity. Lydia was a seller of purple. She was a successful woman in the city. God is not against success and riches. Your success and your riches must be turned towards God. You must honour God with your success. There is nothing wrong with doing business and trading. You must remember God and honour Him with what He gives you.

The virtuous woman wore purple – Proverbs 31:22. Shabbily dressed women are not attractive. Shabby women do not attract men into their lives. That is why girls spend so much money on clothes and dresses. A good woman dresses well and makes herself attractive. Indeed, purple attracts the presence of God. Be smart! Be well dressed! Be neat! Look beautiful! Look nice! It all helps as you seek to enjoy the presence of God. Shabby, ill-matched clothes breed an atmosphere of discouragement and disillusionment. When the ladies in the church are not smart, it affects the atmosphere. If you are met at the church door by a dishevelled untidy woman, you are not likely to feel the presence of God.

A great church will have the marks of royalty all over. Royalty helps to bring in the presence of God. Make sure the environment of your church has a royal feel. The proper lighting, the proper colours and the proper atmosphere all help to bring about the presence of God. The great city was clothed in purple.

And saying, Alas, alas, THAT GREAT CITY, THAT WAS CLOTHED in fine linen, AND PURPLE… Revelation 18:16