READ: Genesis 17:9-27

“And Abraham took Ishmael his son, and all that were born in his house, and all that were bought with his money, every male among the men of Abraham’s house; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the selfsame day, as God had said unto him.” – Genesis 17:23

Abraham’s faith was amazing. On the day he heard from God about circumcision, he got everyone around him circumcised. There was no oneweek delay. There was nothing like doing it next week, next month or next year. Faithless people are always planning to do things next week, next month and next year. Men of faith do everything “now”.

Faith is to act with speed. Faith is to act quickly. Faith is to speedily implement the things that God speaks to you about. Abraham acted on the very day that God brought up the idea of circumcision. To act slowly and to implement slowly is the sign of a lack of faith in your life.

People jump into action when they have faith. A person may hear the word of God that says, “What is your life? It is a vapour that vanishes.” This scripture basically means that your life is short and it will vanish very quickly. If you wait till you are on retirement before you decide to act on it, it means you did not believe that your life was a vapour. You believed that your life was something that would go on and on and on. That is why you waited until you were fifty years old before deciding to serve the Lord. Do you think God does not want young, juicy, energetic and intelligent people to work for Him? Certainly He does! You are the one who did not have enough faith that would make you act quickly.

Your quick response reveals your faith. Everything must be now! Everything must happen now if you really believe that it is true.