READ: Luke 24:36-49

“Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest.” – Isaiah 32:15

When the Holy Spirit is poured out from on high, there is a release of fruitfulness. Fruitfulness is what you need to prosper. When you are fruitful, your business will flourish and all your work will increase. You can see that there is a direct correlation between becoming fruitful and the Holy Spirit being poured out on you.

Labour for the Spirit to be poured out from on high because you will become fruitful. Labour for the windows of Heaven to be opened so that the Holy Spirit is poured out on you. The windows of Heaven are spiritual windows that will release spiritual blessings upon you. One of the wonderful blessings that can be poured upon you is the Holy Spirit.

Labour also for the Holy Spirit’s divine direction for your life. The Holy Spirit gives divine guidance that leads to prosperity through the voice of the Shepherd. The Lord is your Shepherd. You will never be in need. Trust the Holy Spirit. His direction is the master key to becoming a supernatural person who receives supernatural provision. The Holy Spirit will lead you straight to the hidden riches of secret places.

When the Holy Spirit comes on your life, He will lead you through deserts and you will not die there. Instead of dying in the desert you will flourish and prosper there. Waters will be gushing out in the very place where everyone thought you would die of thirst. The Holy Spirit is your master key to surviving financial deserts. Labour for the Holy Spirit who alone can give waters in the desert: Isaiah 48:21.