READ: Revelation 11:1-13

But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood up on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them.” – Revelation 11:11 (ESV)

Time is under God’s direction and control. Time determines what you can overcome and for how long you can overcome it, and it determines the victories you can win.

Time determines the hour of death and the hour of other events. The times and seasons of the death of your father determines the unfolding of certain events of your life. Joshua’s life changed radically when Moses died. The death of Moses was a signal for the beginning of Joshua’s ministry: Joshua 1:1-2. Every death is a signal for someone’s life or ministry to begin.

Time determines the beginning of certain phases of your ministry. Jesus had not entered the phase of miracles when His mother requested a miracle: John 2:1-5. When the time came, Jesus was ready to flow in all kinds of miracles. Time determines the kind of sacrifice that is expected of you. When the time has not come, certain sacrifices may not be expected of you. However, when the season comes, you will be expected to pay the price for everything.

Time determines the beginning of your judgment: Matthew 24:50. Time determines when certain evils may be successful against you. Maybe in the past, certain works of the devil had no power over you. But when the season changes there are things that may be successful. Evil works differently in different seasons: John 16:32.

Time determines when it is a good thing to sleep instead of praying and when it is a good time to pray instead of sleeping: Matthew 26:45.