READ: 1 Samuel 3:19-21, 2 Samuel 5:11-12

But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.” – 1 Peter 5:10

Establishment means to make something stable! Establishment means you have become permanent! Establishment means you are settled in a position! Establishment means you are accepted and recognized! Establishment means to gain control of something!

God establishes people! He makes them permanent, stable and settled. That is exactly what He wants to do to you in Christ. There are wonderful examples of people who God established. God established Samuel as a prophet. He also established David as a king. He can establish you in whatever role He has placed you. He can establish you in Christ.

Don’t you want to be a stable and permanent Christian? Don’t you want everyone to accept and recognize you as a believer? Don’t you want to gain control of your spiritual life so that you can grow in the Lord?

See how the Lord established His servants Samuel and David. Samuel was established as a prophet. From that time there was no question that Samuel was a prophet. David was established as a king over Israel. David’s children were established as the future leaders of Israel.

God has established the earth. The earth is an established planet. This is why the planet is stable in its seasons and cycles. We all know what to expect on this amazingly stable planet that rotates about the sun along with the other planets. Today, God is in the business of establishing you as a Christian. He will do it for you!