READ: Acts 28:23-31

And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people” – Mark 9:35

The works of Jesus were simple: preaching, teaching and healing! Satan is crafty and he would love to beguile the church to turn away from the simplicity that is in Christ. The simplicity of the gospel is that Jesus died to save the world. The simplicity of Christ is that the blood of Jesus has been shed for every soul in this world. That is the simple message we are called to teach. Many men of God have been beguiled by Satan into preaching everything else but the simple pure gospel.

Most of the church has been emphasizing on mysterious financial and secular goals for a long time. Meanwhile, we see no real church planting, no crusades, no evangelism and no expansion of the kingdom of God. Many towns and cities in the world are bereft of any new church planting activities or evangelistic activities.

The development of businesses and investments, the rise of motivational preaching and the delusion of market place messages do not save people. These high-sounding goals may be lauded by the secular world but they are nothing but trash when put by the side of the cross of Jesus Christ. People are saved when they are washed by the blood of Jesus.

God sent His Son to be Saviour of the world. Jesus did not come to save this world from its financial confusion. The gospel must be preached! New churches must be planted! People must be saved! People must be born again! The cross of Jesus and the sacrifice of Jesus is the reason for the church. It must be popular again. Nonsense must be thrown out of the church! Christianity must become what it really is. A blood-washing, soul saving religion!