READ: Isaiah 48:12-21

Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” – 1 Corinthians 1:25

Joseph received the light of God and the direction was clear. Marry a “second-hand” woman! Accept a nonideal situation! Marry a woman who has had a child from another source. The guidance of the Holy Spirit was clear: Go for the second-hand one! Don’t go for a brand new option! Many people would not follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Most of us would want to have a brand new thing. How many would accept a second-hand car when there is a brand new one available? But that was the guidance that Joseph received from God. Perhaps God is leading you to get something that is not ideal. Something that is not perfect! Something that is not exactly as you read about in the story books! Receive the light to accept a non-ideal situation.

Make sure you follow the light that the anointing gives you. In the Book of Isaiah, we see how the Lord led the Israelites through the deserts. They thirsted not when he led them through the deserts. They were okay because God took care of them. How many of us would accept to walk through a desert instead of walking through a green field?

Receive the light to look foolish in the eyes of men. Joseph received the guidance to marry Mary. Many would have thought he was a fool to marry Mary. How could you marry a woman who has most certainly cheated on you? The light of God will sometimes lead you down a path where you look foolish. But the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men!