READ: Luke 4:1-15

For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” – Hebrews 4:15

After you are born again, you may encounter the three types of temptations: the temptations of a baby, which are fleshly temptations, the temptations of a child, which are loyalty and disloyalty temptations, and the temptations of the mature which are temptations of obedience.

Obviously, the temptations of a child are different from the temptations of a grown up. A child may be tempted to steal some sweets whereas a grow-up may be tempted to commit adultery. In the same way, the temptations of a spiritual baby are different from the temptations of a spiritual child or mature Christian.

Jesus Christ was tempted in all points just as we are. He experienced temptations of babyhood, temptations of childhood and temptations of maturity. The first temptation of Jesus was typical of the temptation of a spiritual baby. Jesus was hungry. His flesh needed food. Babyhood temptations always involve the flesh.

The second temptation of Jesus was typical of a spiritual “child”. His loyalties, His convictions and His stability were tested. Satan actually suggested that Jesus change allegiance and worship him instead of worshipping God. Can you be tempted to leave God? Can you be tempted to leave your church? Can you be tempted to leave your pastor?

The third temptation of Jesus was typical of the temptation of a mature person. The temptation of the mature has to do with your obedience to God. Jesus was taken to the temple and asked to throw Himself down. Throwing Himself down was intended to provoke God and manipulate the hand of God. But Jesus knew that He must only obey God. When you are a mature Christian your obedience to God is tested even in the smallest matters.