READ: Ezekiel 37:1-10

The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.” – Job 33:4

The wind of God and the breath of God are the greatest life-giving powers on earth. When we speak of the breath of God we speak of something that gives life.

God the Father brought life into the earth by the breath of God. All other planets in the solar system lack one thing. They lack life! There is no breath of God on Mars, on Venus, on Jupiter or on Mercury. Flowing with the breath of God is flowing with the life of God.

Life comes from God. It is only when the breath of God came into the dust of the earth that human life was created. When God breathed into the dust, the dust became a living soul: Genesis 2:7. When you die, you return to dust and become dust! Within a few years your body is not distinguishable from the earth’s dust. It is the breath of God that gives you life.

Ezekiel believed in the breath of God. God commanded Ezekiel to prophesy to the wind. When he prophesied to the wind, breath entered into bones and they came alive. When the breath of the Holy Spirit comes into you, life will come into you.

Jesus believed in the breath of God. Jesus believed in the wind of the Spirit and breathed on His disciples. When Jesus breathed on the disciples, they received the Holy Spirit. I believe that the disciples received life in that moment. Breathing the breath of God is a way of ministering the Holy Spirit to people. It is a way of ministering life to people. Flow with the breath of God by believing that when breath comes into you, life comes into you.