READ: Mark 14:32-46

But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking” – Matthew 6:7

You must pray for the purposes of God to be done even though it is God’s purpose. Even though you know the will of God and even though God has spoken to you, it is still important to pray about it so that it comes to pass.

Jesus knew the will of God. That is why He went to Jerusalem. He voluntarily and intentionally went to Jerusalem to die on a cross for the sins of the world. Yet, He still had to pray for the purpose of God to be done. This makes praying for the will of God one of the most mysterious prayers ever.

You must pray repeatedly about the will of God. Jesus prayed three times. Each time He prayed, He prayed about the same thing and used the same words. Jesus is the one who taught us not to pray with useless repetition. (Matthew 6:7). However, in this prayer, we see Jesus repeating the topic, “Thy Will Be Done”. Jesus repeated these prayers because they were not useless repetitions but valuable, effective and meaningful repetition of prayers. Jesus was teaching us that repeating prayers about the will of God being done are not useless repetitions.

You must pray for hours about the will of God. Jesus prayed for several hours for the will of God to be done. He did not pray a five-minute prayer. There are prayers we must pray for hours! I do not think the will of God will be done in your life until you spend hours praying for it. Perhaps your life will improve greatly and change its very course when you start praying for the will of God.