READ: Exodus 26:36; 27:16

Moreover thou shalt make the Tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and PURPLE, and scarlet: with cherubims of cunning work shalt thou make them.” – Exodus 26:1

A royal feel is necessary for the presence of God. The colour purple helps to invoke the presence of God. Make sure the environment of your church has a royal feel. Wherever the colours appear in the Bible, we can see and learn what they signify. We can learn what these colours speak of by studying the scripture and noting what the scripture says about them.

Purple was used in the building of the Tabernacle. God was insistent on purple because it is a great example and pattern of what God wants and what He does not want. Purple was one of the colours that was used abundantly in the Tabernacle.

A shabby, dirty, poverty-stricken environment does not encourage the presence of God. You must create a royal environment if you want to experience the presence of God. You must build the Tabernacle according to the pattern God has given. You must use purple to bring in the presence of God! God wants to see purple! God will not inhabit places that do not have a royal feel. By using purple, His presence will go everywhere with you. Your ministry will be powerpacked with the presence of God.

Purple was a colour that was used in the gate, the door and the veil of the Tabernacle. Purple speaks of riches, wealth and royalty. Indeed, there are riches, wealth and royalty in the presence of God.

It is important to create a royal environment if you want to experience the presence of God. A rickety, impoverished, unkempt environment will only evoke feelings of depression and discouragement.