READ: Matthew 9:35-37

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” – John 14:12

The works that Jesus did are the standard for the works that we are to accomplish. We look at Jesus and His accomplishments and try to emulate Him. The Bible should be the basis for all our ideas. It is not enough to just come up with good ideas. Jesus gave a great prophecy of how we would do greater works. Jesus did great works and He prophesied that we would do even greater works. The great things we are to attempt are the things that Jesus did.

Today, people are managing great businesses, building harbours, banks, consultancies, factories, and hotels. Many are also building hospitals, building schools and universities, making boreholes, connecting electricity and providing housing for the aged. All these are great works indeed. But are they the great works that Jesus did?

It is easy to go astray while serving God. It is easy to do many different things and call them great works. However, when we get to Heaven, we may want to grind them into powder so that their vanity and worthlessness does not appear before the host of Heaven.

Attempting great things is to do the greater works that Jesus prophesied about. Attempt to fulfil a great prophecy. Attempt great things for God by attempting to do the works that Jesus did and even more. Jesus Christ did great works and He prophesied that you would do even greater works. The works that Jesus did consisted of preaching, teaching and healing. Jesus travelled from place to place and showed compassion to many people. These are the great works that Jesus did.