READ: Ecclesiastes 4:4-8

…neither saith he, for whom do I labour, and bereave my soul of good? This is also vanity, yea, it is a sore travail” – Ecclesiastes 4:8

Solomon, the wisest man to ever live, made an observation that we must consider deeply. He wondered if people asked themselves why they were so bent on fighting, labouring, suffering, working and sweating in this world. Perhaps, these are some of the questions that Wisdom is asking you today.

1. What are you in school for?
2. What are you working for?
3. What are you sweating for?
4. What are you struggling about?
5. What are you building for?
6. What are you travelling for?
7. What are you migrating for?
8. What are you sacrificing for?
9. What are you labouring day and night for?
10. What are you fighting for?

These are also questions that come into my mind whenever I see people struggling, hustling, working and suffering in our dark and difficult world. Many people achieve their goals several times over but still do not know why they are working. Many people acquire houses, cars and lands that they cannot even use.

I met a businessman who was working so hard. He had achieved so many things in this life. He had a car! He had houses! He had money! And he had more contracts than he could handle. I was wondering what he was trying to achieve. What was in his mind as he continued to struggle, sweat and suffer? To what purpose were all his efforts? So I asked this businessman why he was working so hard. He said he just wanted more and more of the same things. He wanted to be richer than he was. He was wealthier than most people I knew. Yet, he wanted more, and more and more!