READ: Ecclesiastes 9:14-18

Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.” – Isaiah 60:1-3

It is possible to be released from a curse. To be cursed is to be surrounded! When you are surrounded, you cannot escape; if you try to escape to the north you meet the enemy. If you try to escape to the south, you meet the same enemy! If you try to escape to the south-west, you meet the enemy! If you try to escape to the east, you still meet the enemy! There is a kind of wisdom however, that will enable you to escape when you are besieged and surrounded. You can be released from the curse!

When a curse is in place you have the same result no matter what you do. If you are cursed to poverty, whether you live in America, Amsterdam, Lagos, Johannesburg, Toronto or Paris, you will still be poor. Whichever direction you take, poverty is the end result! The enemy awaits you in every direction because you are cursed.

To be released from the curse, you must use the wisdom of the old man who delivered the city when it was surrounded. God has a wisdom key that can help you escape from any apparent curse. When you discover that a curse is in operation, your mind must quickly go to the solution that God has provided to come out of the curse.

The master key to overcoming curses is wisdom. The wisdom of God is the only way to circumvent, overcome, override and defeat a curse. The wisdom of God is the light that will make you shine in the midst of darkness. Anyone who applies the light of wisdom to a curse will be able to escape most of its terrible effects.