READ: 1 Kings 4:29-34, 1 Kings 10:23-29

By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth. Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness.” – Proverbs 8:16,18

Your wisdom determines your ability to lead. When an unwise man is put in charge, the whole system disintegrates under his leadership. It is wisdom and not brutality that makes a man stable in his leadership.

Poor leaders lack the wisdom to accommodate everyone. In the secular world, such people become dictators and murderers. In the church, such people drive away valuable members. Those who lack wisdom are loners with no one to help them. Receive the wisdom of Solomon to have a large heart with good leadership!

The wisdom of African leaders has determined the poverty that is experienced there. Most African leaders have the kind of wisdom that creates poverty for everyone under them.

Poverty and riches are indices of wisdom. Your wisdom is how you think, how you plan and how you decide. Poor people often plan in a particular way and take decisions in a particular way. Someone who harvests red peppers cannot be compared with someone who makes mobile phones. The wisdom needed for these two activities is vastly different and the wealth that these two activities generate is also vastly different. Poor countries do not use wisdom to invent, create, manufacture or export anything. Such countries cannot even sustain chicken farms. Poor countries cannot even have rice farms. The wisdom to create and run a large farm is simply not there. Indeed, the health sector of poor nations is equally undeveloped.

The Bible is also clear about how wisdom gives the length of days: Proverbs 3:13,16. Indeed, countries like Japan and Switzerland have life expectancies of eighty years and above. Unfortunately, many poorer countries have a much shorter life expectancy